We buy, we market, we hedge, we optimize, we sell and we phisically deliver power in South East Europe capturing arbitrage or statistical arbitrage opportunities among indices in the power markets.
We reduce risk by deploying capital only to the best risk-adjusted opportunities and by trading products with short term maturity. We measure and manage risk so that the probability of the unacceptable is nil.
We offer market access to third parties who want to hedge their exposure in energy prices. Solaris transacts on their behalf to exchanges and OTC platforms in the South East European markets.
Other activities

Aggregators of RES
By leveraging know-how from more developed markets, the goal is to establish Duferco Hellas SA as a leading player in the newly fledged RES Aggregator business.

PPA’S Agreement
Off taking of renewable electricity on long term contract (up to 10 years) for the bankability of the investment.

Electricity Supply
Providing Long-term Supply Contracts to carefully vetted and selected customers.

Project Investment
Investing in promising RES projects in the wider Balkan area.

Market Access Services
Market access services to various counterparties.

Risk Management
Risk Management is compliant with Duferco Energia’s Risk policy.

Financial integrity, competition
and fair dealing
We run an organization with the highest levels of integrity and we expect everyone with whom we work with to behave legally and ethically at all times.

We request from all ur employees to attend an anti-corruption program. Please contact careers@solarispower.gr to report any integrity or compliance-related concerns.
+30 210 64633634
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